Peaces of Art 2015 Event

Thanks to donors like you Padua Center was able to introduce two new programs this past year.

Restoring Possibilities is an educational option for children expelled from elementary school. During the last academic year, seven children spent a total of sixty-eight days at Padua Center in a one-on-one academic environment with counseling and support.

Ujima Urban Agriculture continues to expand. Padua Center added a hoop house for extended growing to the Ujima Garden. Selling produce at the Toledo Falmer’s Market helped supplement our income.

Your support provides for the continuation of the Padua Possibilities Program, After School Tutoring, Summer Camps, and many fun activities throughout the year.

Peaces of Art 2015

Art work from one of our students.

Padua Center invites you to our Peaces of Art 2015 Event. You may use the mail-in forms below to purchase dinner tickets, sponsorships or ads, or you click on the Donate button and pay now.

Thank you for your support!

Sponsor Invitation Letter 2015
Sponsor / Ad Reply Form 2015
Dinner Invitation 2015
Dinner Invitation Reply Form 2015

Featured Speaker: Arto Woodley

Padua Promoter Award: Jack Ford (posthumously)

When: Sunday, October 4, 2015 from 5:00-8:00 PM
Where: Sullivan Center
Gesu Campus
2049 Parkside Blvd
Toledo, Ohio

The guest speaker for our annual event is Arto Woodly, an urban innovator. He led an inner city nonprofit from 1998-2014 where he created a model to equip young leaders starting at preschool.

He is a native of Toledo and passionate about helping youth. In addition, the even will feature art work from the children of Padua Center.

Tickets: $35 per person

To register for the event, please call the center at (419) 241-6465, or email.