When: Thursday October 5, 2023 (6:00 PM)
Where: Padua Center, 1416 Nebraska Avenue, Toledo OH 43607
Contact: Sr Virginia Welsh (419) 241-4544 or (419) 460-3071

Katie Moline, Council Representative
Katie Moline, City Council At-Large Representative will be the guest speaker for this event. Council member Katie Moline was born with a passion for public service! Her Mom served as a Toledo Public School Teacher, specializing in Special Education, where she retired after 35 years. Her father served in the Finance Department for the City of Toledo where he retired after being the Director of Finance and Commissioner of the Budget. Katie wants to continue their service by working hard for all Toledo citizens.
Padua Center’s mission is to empower all people. If you have an interest to which Padua Center could respond, please call (419)241-6465.
Light refreshments will be served. The community is welcome to attend and enjoy conversations and help plan future activities for the neighborhood. Regular meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at 6:00 PM in the evening at Padua Center, which offers a ramp for easy access for those in need and ample parking off Junction Street.
The Kwanzaa Park Neighborhood borders Dorr, Hawley, Brown, and Campbell Streets, but all interested persons are welcome.