Sr Dorothy Thum
Sister Dorothy Thum, R.S.M. will receive the St. Katharine Drexel Award during the Toledo Symphony’s Peace on Holy Ground Concert at St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church, located at 1119 West Bancroft Street in Toledo, Ohio on February 27, 2022, at 6:00 PM.
The theme Peace on Holy Ground reflects the longing for peace that many people feel during this long pandemic season, the violence on our streets, and the political and international tensions. For nearly 100 years, St. Martin de Porres Church has been a visual proclamation at the corner of Bancroft Street and Detroit Avenue. This is truly Holy Ground from which we proclaim peace. It is the desire of the parish that this concert will bring a true sense of peace to our hearts.

Conductor Vince Lee
This concert celebrates the conclusion of Black History Month and features several compositions by African American composers. Our conductor for this concert is Vince Lee, the Music Director of the Ocean City Pops, and the former Associate Conductor of the Indianapolis Symphony. Compositions of Black composers include a gorgeous Pieta by Ulysses Kay that features Michele Smith, the Toledo Symphony Orchestra’s English Horn player. Harpist Mary Watkins will feature in a composition by Quinn Mason. The concert will be healing and cathartic.
The St. Katharine Drexel Award is given to an outstanding community member who expresses the spirit of St. Katharine Drexel’s mission by their dedication and commitment to working with under-served people in diverse communities. St. Katharine Drexel founded over sixty-two schools and educational institutions, including Xavier University in New Orleans. She was passionate about education and the recipient of this award shares in her mission.
Ticket Sales
To purchase tickets for the concert, please contact the Parish at (419) 241-4544.
Adult Tickets – $20.00
Children Tickets – $10.00
Door Tickets – $30.00
Padua Center encourages everyone to purchase tickets early due to lower seating capacity to enforce social distancing.