For Immediate Publication
Contact: Sr Virginia Welsh, OSF, Executive Director

Mr. Terry Crosby, Educational Director, transports one of the students to the Padua Center in the Toyota Sienna van purchased through the Anderson’s grant and the generosity of Brown Automotive. Both are all smiles!
A grant from the Anderson’s Community Giving and a gift from Brown Automotive have given the Padua Center a much needed van for transporting children for their various programs. The mini-van, a Toyota Sienna, will allow the Padua Center to provide transportation primarily for students in the Padua Possibilities Program, an alternative to suspension for children from four Toledo Public Schools.
The Padua Possibilities program provides several hours of academic assistance, a coaching conversation and a unique time of peace education for children in grades K-6, who would benefit from removal from the classroom for several days. The program is an alternative to suspension and assures that the student remains academically engaged while dealing with the behavioral challenges prompting referral to the Padua Possibilities Program.
In addition, Padua Center will use the van for outings scheduled as part of the after-school tutoring program. Monday through Thursday, the Center provides an opportunity for children to attend an after-school program to finish homework and participate in various activities. With the van, transportation will be much easier.
The Padua Center also offers six weeks of free summer camps involving trips to local recreational, cultural and educational venues. The mini-van will assure that the children can attend these various venues throughout the city and county.