For Immediate Release
When: March 2, 2023 (12:00 PM Noon)
Where: Padua Center, 1416 Nebraska Avenue, Toledo Ohio
Contact: Sister Virginia Welsh
(419) 241-6465

Lane Montz, Director of Better Business Bureau
Mr. Lane Montz of the Better Business Bureau will be the guest speaker for the monthly Kwanzaa Park Neighbors’ meeting. Mr. Montz is the new Director of the Better Business Bureau and is eager to get into the community and help prevent scams against residents.
Kwanzaa Park Neighbors will continue to meet at Padua Center. Although regular meetings occur during the evenings, March meetings will be during the day because of possible inclement weather.
Mrs. Phyllis Toney, chair of the Kwanzaa Park Neighbors, will welcome guests. Mrs. Annette Hannibal, Blockwatch Chair, will give input from Neighborhood Block Watch. In addition, a Community Police Officer will give statistics on the crime in the neighborhood. The program will include refreshments and planning. Everyone is invited to attend.
Kwanzaa Park Neighborhood is bordered by Dorr, Brown, Klondike, and Hawley Streets. Members of the Kwanzaa Park Neighbors meet monthly at Padua Center to investigate ways to work together (Ujima) and improve the neighborhood. Kwanzaa Park Neighbors also functions as a Block Watch site.